Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The "Hoff" of Knitting

You know how the Germans love David Hasselhoff? That's not just something Norm Macdonald used to say on SNL's "Weekend Update" back in the day, it's actually true--trust me, I was a German major. Well, OysterGirl is kind of like that in England. It's pretty much as if the Beatles were one knitter.

Well, now my legend has made it all the way across the continent of Europe to Spain. To which I say, por favor, amigos, there's only one of me to go around!

Okay, seriously, I made sales to two ladies in England, and one in Spain. The last of which yielded positive Spanish feedback on the store! I don't know what it says, but it seems very complimentary! If you can read Spanish and are willing to translate, I'd be interested to know just what it says . . . unless it's bad, and she was somehow confused between the "positive" and "negative" buttons.

Anywho, here is the link if you want to check it out.

I have to leave in just a minute for our last Tuesday night Bible study before Tracy moves. Sad, but it's been a great season to have her here in the 'Ville, and I know the Lord has great things in store for her.

In closing, the Peculiar People (aka the lovely Charlie and Ruth Jones) were kind enough to give me a shout-out in their most recent e-newsletter, so I'm trying to return the favor. They are very talented and have some pretty hilarious merch . . . I especially like the coffee mugs. Check out their webstore!

1 comment:

a real librarian said...

Guuuuurl, you ROCK my FACE off!!