The problem with making a fire with "real" wood (as opposed to compressed firelogs) is that they pretty much require constant tending to stay lit. Which sort of precludes the whole idea of reading, or knitting, or writing, or doing whatever fill-in-the-blank activity in front of the fire. 'Cause instead of reading or knitting or writing, you keep having to put new sticks on the flames and rearranging things as they burn to make sure that enough oxygen can get to the fire, or else it will burn down and just smolder as coals. And that's not nearly as much fun (nor heat-productive) as a nice roaring fire.
I let the fire burn for a while before I decided to let it go out, then did my hunkering in bed for the rest of the day. I caught up on a lot of my online viewing, which is good now that the writers' strike is over and new shows will start being produced. And I finished a doggy sweater for Jake, which I will try to get a picture of while he is wearing it--the doggy sweaters just don't look like much without a model.
That's about it for this quiet day. Going to turn in soon and hopefully get a good night's sleep before church tomorrow.
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