Saturday, June 16, 2007

Day 3 - Sunriver Sunfest Wine Festival

We couldn't have custom-ordered a more perfect day for today's wine festival here in Sunriver. Sunny and breezy, with low humidity, and samples of the wares from some of Oregon's finest vintners. What a delightful bunch of folks.

Of course, the day didn't start with us boozin' it up . . . um, I mean SAMPLING THE PRODUCTS OF LOCAL AGRICULTURE. Kristen and Nick took me on a walk around some of Sunriver, including along the nation's longest runway (according to Papa Ray) and through the elaborate Sunriver Lodge. I'm planning on getting up to go running for the first time in about a week tomorrow, so I wanted to scout out the trails ahead of time and minimize the chance of getting lost.

In other central Oregon trivia, the Apollo astronauts preparing for moon missions did field geology training in these parts. Who knew? (Well, Nick did--and now you and I do, too.)

Upon our return from touring the grounds, Zoe's imagination transformed herself and her duvet into a bear and its cave (respectively). Given this turn of events, I was forced to serenade her with "Bears" from Slugs, Bugs and Lullabies by Misters Goodgame and Peterson (do yourself a favor and check it out if you haven't already). Little was I, or any of the rest of us in the house, to know that would be the first out of four hundred repetitions of the song over the course of the day. Oh, well--could have been much worse. Still, after that, we were ready to trek the 80 yards out to the fermented grapes!

Here I am with Papa Ray. This is not the first sample of the day for either of us.

More fantastic food tonight, courtesy of Kristen, Gorgeous and Grillmaster Nick. I could get used to living like this.

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