Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day 8 - What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Some photographic proof of today's extremely erudite pursuits:

I started seeing that photo of Paul McCartney at Starbucks promoting his new album several weeks ago. My first thought was, "What the heck were they thinking?" I mean, he looks so stupid. Don't get me wrong--I'm a huge Beatles fan. I'm even a big Paul fan--even though I think he's made some questionable choices in his personal life. But seriously, that picture is ridiculous. Thus prompting the plan Kristen and I hatched up. Ready your printers and double-sided tape.

Okay, so it's not highbrow. But we still think it would be hilarious if this word balloon started appearing on the front doors of Starbuckses all over the nation. The ball's in your court, America . . .

In other news, we had a great lunch at Cafe Sintra this afternoon. One of their specialties is gazpacho, and it is really, really good. Zoe didn't eat very much, but she had fun playing on the little hill just off the patio.

There are three big sporting events here at Sunriver this weekend: In addition to the Pacific Crest track event Nick and I are running in, there are also golf and tennis tournaments. It's already starting to get pretty crowded, but we're prepared to hunker down for the next few days. We've got plenty of canned goods, bottled water and WiFi, so we'll be just fine.

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