Saturday, November 3, 2007

Ready . . . ? Okay!


No, I wasn't actually a cheerleader. I'm sure you are stunned by that newsflash. But that was my rallying cry at Adrienne's fab birthday party last night! Here are a few choice pictures:

The Magnificent Mrs. Anderson

Look at all the presents people brought for Adrienne! She is very popular.

Our birthday girl is very beautiful, and very silly. I'm not sure why she makes this face in so many photos, but it works for her.

A's mom sent these flowers from Indonesia! Well, the flowers came from Nashville, but the sending came from Indonesia.

TONIGHT was Russ's birthday party (the Magnificent Mr. Anderson), even though his actual birthday was two weeks ago. It was also fabulous. I made cheese in honor of the occasion! I really wanted to take pictures of the cheesemaking process or at least the finished product, but the batteries in my camera ran out. Boo. I bought some new rechargeable ones this afternoon, but they take eight hours to get charged--double boo! So my initial cheesemaking efforts will be memorialized only by the taste buds of those who got to sample some at the festivities. But never fear--the kit I bought makes about 29 more batches.

Happy falling back! Yay for an extra hour of sleep--I need it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made cheese??? For real? And then you have the NERVE to not take pics???
