Monday, November 5, 2007

Things I wish I'd said

It occurred to me, about three days too late, that I *should* have titled last Thursday's post, "The time has come . . . " But I didn't. If you get that reference, you probably think it's a little dark, and you wouldn't be wrong. If you don't get that reference, perhaps you should hie thee to a library . . . or hie thee to a Google. :)

Marlene has requested a flat-topped bucket-style hat with a large pompom, and so I got to work with a design this weekend. Here's the prototype:

The pompom ties onto a little loop on the top of the hat, so it can be removed for washing or style considerations.

Hmmm, I just noticed that the top doesn't look so flat in those pictures as it does when the hat is sitting on a table with no newspaper stuffed in it.

Thanks to everyone who's been sending great suggestions for new designs and products! I have a few special orders that I am working on in the moment, so I may not have time to design and add too many new products to the store before Christmas. However, it is my intention eventually to offer full-sized and baby-sized afghans (including personalized birth announcement baby blankets with name, DOB and weight knit in), felted guitar straps, a limited selection of sweaters, and a variety of new hat and scarf designs. The larger the item, the less likely that I will be able to offer a wide selection in the store, since things like sweaters and full-size afghans require such a significant investment. However, I am happy to take special orders for these items, where the risk of putting a lot of time and effort into something that no one will want to buy is so much less.

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope the weather where you are is as beautiful as it is right now in Middle Tennessee.

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