Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 15 - Kristen is my blog hero

Thanks to Kristen, who very kindly uploaded the pictures from my last few days in Oregon directly to my Photobucket account, I can now recount for you (with illustrations!) our activities from the first part of this week.

So after the race on Sunday, we each grabbed a quick shower, and then we were off for parts west. We stopped in Madras for some tasty grub at the Black Bear Diner, and boy howdy, do they ever take their theme seriously.

We arrived at Papa and Gorgeous's around 4 pm, and just about had time to unpack the car and avail ourselves of the comfort facilities before heading back out to Uncle Eric and Aunt Dawn's, 15 minutes away in Portland. We were meeting up with them with the goal of collectively dining at Portland's Montage, which opens its doors at 6 pm to a line of waiting diners (but does not take reservations).

Once at the Montage, one of the first things we ordered were oyster shooters (I mean, how could I not?) Two each for Eric, Nick, Kristen and yours truly. Immediately upon our ordering, the waiter hollered to the kitchen, "EIGHT OYSTERS!" Boy, was he loud. But boy, were they ever good. I couldn't even control my enthusiasm long enough to pose for a proper photo. (Yes, I am still sporting the wristband from that morning's race.)

In spite of some order mix-ups, our food was very yummy. Zoe just had rice, but she liked it very well nevertheless.

One of the unique things about the Montage is that they wrap your leftovers in aluminum foil formed into the shape of animals. The remainder of Nick's amazing mac-n-cheese came in the shape of a squirrel. Then, when Z wanted her rice wrapped up, as well, the server who brought it back to the table remarked, "You know what eats squirrels? SNAKES." An epic battle ensued, much to the dismay of Uncle Eric.

Back at Eric and Dawn's, we enjoyed their lovely backyard. Zoe chased chickens and Uncle Eric built a fire for our comfort in the chilly evening air. Yes, that is a blowtorch he is using in the 2nd picture.

The next day was Monday, and while we got a bit of a late start, we were still able to hit some of Portland's hot spots. First stop was the carousel:

After a nice walk past some of P-town's interesting shops (one was a kids' clothing store called "Duck Duck Goose," which Z appreciated) and a yummy pizza lunch, we made our way to legendary Powell's Bookstore. The rumors are true--it does, indeed, take up an entire city block. Wow, that's a lot of books! There were lots of cool things to browse, but sadly, constraints of time, finances, and suitcase space limited my purchases. Kristen did snap this outside in front of one of the cool bookstack pillars, though.

Sometime in the last few weeks, a lovely little Siamese kitty gave birth to four adorable babies somewhere in the vicinity of Papa and Gorgeous's backyard, and all five are currently pleasantly ensconced in Ray's woodshed out back. There are two mostly-black kittens, and two lightish ones with dark markings. They are more cute than should be permissable by law. It is awesome to have these photos to remember their cuteness by, but sadly, no picture could really do them justice. There was much discussion about their possible relocation to Sunriver and/or Nashville--but for the moment, they are still at P & G's.

That sums up many of the highlights of the last part of my journey to the northwest! There are some things to report from today, but since this is already so long, I think I will hold off another day before reporting the latest from Sparty.

I will, however, take a moment to ask if anyone knows any reliable hiccup remedies? I've had them about eight times today, and not only is it no longer remotely comedic, but it's really starting to hurt.

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