Friday, June 22, 2007

Day 9 - Kidstuff

The day opened with the inaugural use of the "real," 100% wool and thus very thermally-efficient Coffee Cozy (patent pending). It kept the coffee warm for about two hours after brewing. Order yours now!

Kristen had a hair appointment and Nick had a meeting this morning, so Z and I played games while they were out. Learning the rules to "Sizzling Sausages" was definitely a high point--I mean, how could a board game involving meat not be?

We ladies headed into Bend to McMenamin's for a very yummy lunch. If you're not familiar with McMenamin's, there are a bunch of them and they're pretty cool--they take old churches, schools, etc., and convert them into pubs and clubs. Check out their website if you're interested in finding out more. K and I ordered their Ruby Ale, which is made with a whole mess of raspberries (and looks like pink grapefruit juice), and I got carded! It was pretty exciting.

After lunch, we headed down the block to the main branch of the Deschutes Public Library. They have a really fun kids' section.

Please note that Z and I are the only ones wearing underwear, only I have socks, and there is nary a jammy nor glove among the lot of us.

K & N subscribe to Sirius satellite radio, and we listened to their "Kidstuff" channel in the car going to and from Bend. Speaking of ursine attire, we need to figure out a way to get that song on the radio, since it's way better than some of the stuff they're playing. But furthermore, I've been thinking a lot about what it might be like to pursue kids' music myself as a "next step," at least part time. One of my most favorite-ist things is singing with kids, and maybe someone would be willing to pay me to do it. After all, I'm the only one Zoe will let sing to her, so I figure that must count for something. Any thoughts or suggestions any of you have about this are extremely welcome--feel free to e-mail me with any feedback.

As I'm typing this, Kristen and I are enjoying some delicious Spanish Coffee. I won't go into the recipe here (Kristen is willing to e-mail it to any and all takers), but part of it involves fire! Life is very exciting here in the Beaver State. I'm trying to suck the marrow out of my last three days here.

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