Monday, June 18, 2007

Day 5 - Summer School & Bend

Nick, Papa and I walked Zoe to her first day of summer school this morning, shortly before Papa and Gorgeous headed back home to Vancouver. Their departure is, of course, sad--however, we aren't despairing too much, since we'll see them again in less than a week.

While Z partied her brains out with the other preschoolers, I started my first Sunriver knitting project. Kristen had mentioned that her brother and sister-in-law have a "cozy" to go over their French press that keeps it warm for hours afterward, so I decided to use some of the yarn I brought with me to make up a prototype. Here's the finished product:

We picked Zoe up from school, and the four of us headed over to Bend for lunch and errands. First stop was a lovely knitting store called Juniper Fiberworks, with an equally lovely proprietress who for some reason thought I was a local. Hmm. She had a sign on the door advertising for knitting instructors, and while I don't think that would be a good enough reason to relocate, it did pique my interest for possible avenues to pursue in Nashvegas. We bought some lovely brown wool to make the actual French press cozy, as well as some sparkly pink for a purpose TBD (guess who picked that out?)

Our delightful lunch was at Longboard Louie's, which features two different kinds of fish tacos (halibut and salmon) as well as shrimp ones. Of course, if I were four and could get away with it, I might have only had a huge order of fries--but since I'm not and I can't, I tried the salmon taco with two giant sides of rice and beans. Yummy!

Back in Sunriver, I broke two fingernails pushing Zoe and some other kids on this giant cone-shaped merry-go-round thingy at the park--but it was totally worth the sacrifice. Z got to be pals with three-year old Kylie, who was very sweet and addressed me as "Zoe's mom" (to which Z responded, "Her name is MISS LYNN!")

Nick mapped out the route for this weekend's 5K for me today, and we're going to run it in the morning (Nick will run, and I will try to keep up). If it's not too horrifying, I'm planning on registering for the event itself. Wish me luck!

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