Tuesday, February 26, 2008

" . . . and I feel fine . . . "

Just got back from book club where there were actually five of us! Well, we started out with five, but then Erin had a semi-emergency she had to attend to. Considering the near-epidemic proportions of the flu going around Middle Tennessee, that is a pretty good turnout. AND not only that, but we actually talked about the book! Hoo-aaah! AND not only THAT, but due to a bank error in my favor (sorry, still recovering from Monopoly two weeks ago), I ended up with a free cup of coffee at JJ's Market! All in all, a gathering totally worth driving across town in the "snow" for.

That's right, it's "snowing" again here in Nashville. Of course, the ground is not yet cold enough for it to stick and thus the roads are just wet, but there were still accidents all over the area during evening rush hour. 'Cause even if the snow doesn't stick, wet roads can still be treacherous. Especially if you're inattentive, as the majority of drivers around here seem to be.

Anyone care to lay odds on whether or not the Bible study I sit for on Wednesdays will be held tomorrow morning?

Well, I have a Chicago-bound scarf to finish and several birthday presents to start working on in the next few days, so I guess I should get to work. Hope that wherever you are, you are warm and dry.

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