Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is it the next day already?

AAAAAAARGH! I really need to go to bed, but before I can I remembered I needed to post something for today. So I wrote this whole entry about my activities, and then accidentally deleted it. Because I am tired and dumb. And now, frustrated.

In quick recap form: finished St. Pat's Day scarf, babysat, went to book club. Panera (aka the Bread Restaurant) ran out of bread bowls for their soup. Shoddy. Weather was lousy today, but hopefully will be better tomorrow because I'm getting up early to hang out laundry before I go babysit.

And now, since I have no photos to share with you, my two current favorite YouTube videos. Another thing I did today was watch each multiple times.

You will appreciate this one if, like me, you are a fan of LOST:

You will appreciate this next one if you have functional eyes and ears.

Happy Tuesday . . . I'm hitting the hay.

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