Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Dark Day on Nolensville Road

This morning we had to face the inevitable, and Dad and I headed out to Lowe's. We had our list all ready, and headed over the scant half-mile to the location right around the corner . . . when horror of all horrors! Not a soul was to be found, and the letters spelling "L O W E ' S" were gone from the distinctive giant blue gable!

A handwritten sign on a piece of posterboard attached to what had formerly been the entrance informed us that the new store was at the intersection of Old Hickory and Nolensville, a full MILE AND THREE QUARTERS down the road! Man, oh man! What an affront to our entitlement as Americans to travel less than a mile for purchases to improve our homes!

(Note: We just spent the evening watching the entirety of "The Best of the Colbert Report" DVD. I think SC's tone may have seeped into tonight's entry just a tad.)

Fortunately, we were able to recover from this travesty, rallied ourselves for the trek to the new location, made our purchases and returned home. If you yourself will be buying a new ceiling fan/light fixture apparatus anytime in the near future, you will need to buy "chandelier"-type light bulbs to go with it--it is apparently now Federal law. Children may be going to bed hungry in the U.S. tonight, but thank goodness the size of the light bulbs is being regulated.

Things sure are shaping up here around the old homestead. Tomorrow, I think we're even going to hang some pictures! I know you won't want to miss that, so I'll see you then.

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