Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dangit, elusive slumber!

Okay, I admit it. I don't have anything particularly interesting to write for tonight's ACTUAL 100th post, and about an hour ago I was really close to dozing off. So I had decided that I would blow off tonight's post (or POST-pone it, if you will--har har har) in an attempt to catch up on some sleep, and write something more substantial tomorrow. But then I inexplicably woke back up, and so here I am.

The good news about that is, I read an e-mail from my mom which reminded me to file my taxes (I had them 98% finished, but hadn't finished filing them). So I went ahead and did that, meaning I should have my refund in a few weeks. Whoo-hoo! On the down side, I am still awake.

I am going to go clean the cat box and then try to read myself to sleep. It's a glamorous life.

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