Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Exit stage right, pursued by trivia


Sorry, I just got home from NFG Kickin' It Game Night @ Russ and Lindsay's and I guess I'm a little bitter. We played Trivial Pursuit. Heather H. even had the cake decorators at her store make a special cake (made of teeny cupcakes) for us! AWESOME.

Heather K.'s favorite flavor is blue. Mmmmmm . . . television.

I will briefly mention that we started out with a quick game of "Imagineiff." Which led to some blushing on my part. If Scott wants to make good on his threat to make the details public in a comment here, he is more than welcome.

But the REAL reason we were there was to Pursue some Trivia! This was the "Pop Culture" edition of the game, which comes with a DVD to be used for the wedge questions. It sounds like a good idea, since it should supposedly assure that these questions have a certain threshold of difficulty. WRONG!

Not to get all Wendy Whiner about it, but the boys' PIE question in the "Movies" category was essentially:

"What former college football star was nominated for an Oscar in 1997?" . . . and then showed this picture (or one very much like it):

Um, WHAT? C'mon, Trivia Interrogators! What the phooey? Sheesh.

Here are the boys thinking very hard about one of their (NON-PIE) questions. This happened a lot.

Here are the Heathers laughing at their expense.

To be fair, it was a close game and it really came down (as it often does) to timing and the luck of the die. I grudgingly congratulate the boys . . . harumph.

Well, it is late and I need to go to bed. Insert witty closing remark here.


KG said...

(On a side note: made of tiny cupcakes? It didnt look like tiny cupcakes? It looked like a cake. Please explain.)
So Dustin got Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture in college. And I thought I would be amazing. I trash talked for weeks in preparation. After all, I know pop culture! I am not good at traditional Trivial Pursuit...that I am all over!
I will just say that I was not good. It was a big bummer. I felt like the boy in Little Miss Sunshine when they tell him he can't fly planes cause he's colorblind.

Miss Lynn said...

If you look at the photo of the "cake" beside the TP board, you can just see the little cupcake bottoms sticking out from the giant blanket of frosting. The best explanation I can offer is that the cake decorators at the Bellevue Kroger have magic.

I will have to see if I can get some of Lindsay's pictures from that night--as usual, she has better ones than I. One image I wish I could share with everyone was when we were asked, "What famous commercial jingle was written by the father of actress Julianna Margulies?" And I knew the answer without hesitating. And the boys were dumbfounded. :)

(It's Alka Seltzer's "Plop plop fizz fizz," btw.)

Anonymous said...

I think we need a 90's version rematch