Sunday, March 2, 2008

Brady's Bunch

I have to be in Bellevue at 8 a.m. tomorrow and am currently still in Hermitage, so this is going to be necessarily quick. After church this morning, I met up with Karen, Virginia and Brady in East Nashville for some cheesy good times at Alley Cat. We stuffed ourselves and, like the true Americans we are, then went for ice cream. Good times.

This evening I came over to Karen's for our traditional Sunday-night hang, where we watch really bad movies or really edifying TV like "Rock of Love II" and "Cheaters." It's extremely intellectual.

Anywho, Karen has a photo on her camera I want to share with you at some future time, illustrating some of our Eastside antics, so I won't go into any more detail right now. Hope you had a great weekend and see you in the morrow!

1 comment:

KG said...

I like to think you leave my house every Sunday with some important life lessions. Like "Don't do reality tv."