Thursday, March 13, 2008

Random Thursday

No particular unifying theme for today . . . went to babysit as usual, came home as usual, watched LOST as usual. Oh, it was recycling day, which only comes once a month. Whoo-hoo! Anyway, here is a random assortment of information.

I finally finished that sweater I have been mentioning for the past four days! Sheesh. Here is a bad photo of it.

I bought a table today! Actually, I guess I bought it a couple of days ago. I gave Scott a blank check and asked him to get it for me when he went to work at Office Depot. Here's the picture from their website (I haven't actually unwrapped mine yet):

Because it happened to be on sale and Scott got his employee discount, I saved over $10! This is great news, because I am cheap! BIG thanks to Scott and Katie Sue! This table will come in very handy for this week's Sunday dinner and many future events here at the Casa de Lynn.

You may be familiar with those cellophane bowl covers which I fondly refer to as "shower caps." They're a circle of flexible plastic with elastic around the edge. What you may not realize is that a real shower cap, designed (ostensibly) for use on the human head, will cover a 9X13" pan! I discovered this when there were (improbably) some PBRKT left after we kicked it last night.

This particular shower cap came courtesy of Brett and Caren's wedding. Well, the hotel we stayed in, anyway. All I can say is, some people must have exceptionally strong necks to support what I can only assume are massive craniums (crania?)

Finally, since it is Thursday and I haven't made too much mention of LOST in a while, I thought I would share this delightful little video for any other fans out there. It made me laugh out loud. Enjoy!

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