Saturday, March 15, 2008


Does it still count as a Lenten discipline if it is done begrudgingly? Once again, I am all ready to go to bed, and when I went to shut down my computer for the night, I remembered that I hadn't posted anything today. Phooey! As anticipated, I spent much of the day cooking and cleaning. There was an unanticipated break for lunch with M.R. Ward at Baja Burrito, which we apparently timed perfectly between the early and late lunch rushes. Mmmmm fish tacos mmmmmm.

I just realized that I don't think I ever had dinner. Whoops. Hopefully I won't wake up hungry in the night.

Seeing as I have crockpots of ham and sweet potatoes to turn on in 8.5 hours and still have to vacuum and set up the tables for tomorrow's dinner, this is going to be it for tonight. Here's hoping I fall asleep immediately.

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